The CABLE-ADAP5 is an external input cable providing analog sensor input of 0-5 Vdc max. for HOBO ZW Series data nodes, UX120, and U12
series data loggers with one or more analog inputs. The cable has 13mm
(0.5") tinned braided wire leads and a total length 1.9m (6.3 ft.).
The CABLE-ADAP5 Sensor is for use in Indoor environments
The CABLE-ADAP5 Sensor supports the following measurements: DC Voltage
CABLE-ADAP5 Input Cable to Measure DC Voltage
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Max. Input: 0–5 VDC
Accuracy with U12: ±4 mV ±2.7% of reading
Accuracy with ZW: ±3.1 mV ±2.2%
Accuracy with UX120-006M: ±0.2 mV ±0.3% of reading
Impedance: 20 K ohm
Resolution with U12 and ZW: 0.03% of full scale
Resolution with UX120-006M: 0.002% of full scale
Length: 1.9 m (6.3 ft) (all models)
Weight: 38.6 g (1.4 oz) (all models)